My Plant Care
Indoor plants

Dracaena marginata

FLAMING DRAGON TREE / With a tall, thin trunk that branches with age, the Dracaena marginata is a favourite among house plants. It is also known as a false palm because of its top crown of long, thin leaves. This plant is tolerant to neglect, which is why you may regularly see it in the corners of offices and doctors’ waiting rooms; but be assured only the best care will ensure that it reaches its full potential growing height of up to 3m (10ft) tall. Dragon plant is one of the easiest houseplants to grow. In the Middle Ages this gum was used in alchemy and magical arts, but today has a more practical use. varnish for fine wood.
BE AWARE: ⚠️Dragon tree harmful to pets if eaten, so keep me away from cats and dogs.⚠️

HEALTH BENEFITS Dragon tree removes toxins and can help you stay healthy immune system by filtering out benzene
from the air. This hydrocarbon income from emissions gas cars and cigarette smoke and is associated with various adverse health effects.
LIGHT: Low to moderate light is perfect. Too much sunlight will reduce color contrast on the leaves. direct light will damage its leaves. Dragon plant is easy to place as it can thrive in filtered light or shade and requires only moderate humidity. Being so simple to care for, it’s a popular choice for workspaces and offices as well as for the home.
WATER: Relatively drought tolerant. Keep soil moist but not wet. This plant is sensitive to fluoride and salt, so it’s recommended to use distilled or nonfluoridated water and regularly flush the soil to remove accumulated fertilizer salts.
TEMPERATURE: A warm room is ideal.
POTTING Repot every other spring into a new container that is slightly bigger than the original. Use an all-purpose potting mix.
TIPS: The D. marginata has a slightly higher need for fertilization than other members of Dracaena, so biannual applications of a quality controlled-release fertilizer or weekly applications of a liquid fertilizer are a good idea.
PROBLEM SOLVING Dracaenas are more likely to suffer leaf damage due to their environment rather than to pests. They won’t tolerate drafts, sudden changes in temperature, or overwatering in winter—this will cause their leaves to fall or go brown. Any damaged leaves should be removed, or the tips cut off with florist scissors.

PROPAGATION: The stem tips can be clipped off and placed in a moist potting media to root. The stem that has had the top cut off will sprout new growth with time. This works well when the plant has become too tall. The top can be cut back drastically and the resprouting cane will start out shorter. Air layering would work as well, but would be a much slower process. Stem cuttings (without foliage) can also be taken and planted; make sure the bottom end of the cane is in the potting medium.

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