My Plant Care

Haworthia Attenuata

The zebra cactus is a striking little plant that begs to be displayed atop a decorative layer of stone or in a unique container. Much like the aloe plant, its long, pointed leaves extend straight out in all directions. The zebra cactushas bumpy white lines on the outer edges of its leaves resembling a zebra pattern. This small plant usually grows no larger than 6 inches / 15 cm tall.

SOIL: Use a cactus and succulent potting mix, or create your own quick-draining soil with one-third potting mix, one-third coarse sand, and one-third perlite.
LIGHT: 🌞 Place the zebra cactus in a bright, sunny location, but you’ll have to acclimatize them to it gradually or they will sunburn. preferably a west- or south-facing window.
WATER: 💧Water the zebra cactus thoroughly and let it dry out between waterings. The leaves will turn brown and soft if overwatered. Water less in winter
PROBLEM SOLVING Giving the zebra cactus too much attention is often the cause of its demise. Overwatering the plant, especially in winter, when temperatures and light levels have dropped very low, can be fatal. If you’re known to be too generous with your watering, a container that has good drainage holes is absolutely vital, otherwise the leaves will soon start to lose their healthy glow.
POTTING. This plant sheds some of its older roots in the spring so, every year or two, re-pot them in spring. When your plant needs up-potting, shift it to a container with a diameter 2 inches larger than the current pot. Choose a wide, shallow pot for these shallow-rooted beauties.
FERTILIZER: Feed monthly with a balanced houseplant fertilizer during spring and summer. Dilute fertilizer to half trength.

TOXICITY ☠️: non toxic to pets and humans

TIP: Display your zebra cactus atop layers of decorative sand andpebbles in a glass vase. To do so, first plant your zebra cactus in a small glass or plastic container. Place this container in a larger glass vase, then layer in different colored sand or stone around the outside of the potted container to achieve the desired look. Water only the inner container with a large dropper or syringe. 💚

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