My Plant Care
Indoor plants


Dionaea muscipula / TEMPERATURE 40–95°F (4–35°C) LIGHT High HUMIDITY Moderate
CARE Average HEIGHT & SPREAD Up to 4 x 8in (10 x 20cm)
This plant’s snapping jawlike leaves trap flying insects that come within reach, but it will soon die if coaxed to perform this trick too often. It has two types of leaves: the spring foliage is broader and produces traps close to the center of the plant, while the summer leaves are longer and develop redtinged traps farther away. White tubular flowers appear in spring.🤍
POSITION / Does best in a brightly lit spot but can tolerate partial shade. Avoid putting them in direct sunlight since they may burn up. GROWTH RATE / These are slowgrowing plants, reaching a maximum height of only 1ft (30cm) and a width of 6in (15cm) over a period of several years.
The Venus flytrap is the perfect pocket-money plant for children who have a sunny windowsill in their bedroom.

WATERING 💧 Place the pot in a deep tray of unsoftened water from spring to late summer; from fall to late winter, when dormant, remove it from the tray but keep the growing medium moist.
FEEDING Do not feed Venus fly traps. You won’t need to feed the Venus flytrap as it lives off flies, but you will need to open the window occasionally to allow insects to enter. If flowers arrive in springtime, simply cut them off as they’ll exhaust the plant.
PROBLEM SOLVING It’s more likely that your flytrap will eat pests rather than be attacked by them. However, mealybugs can be an issue, so watch out for the white insects in the crown of the plant. In the majority of cases, these pests can be wiped off quite easily with a cloth.
PLANTING AND CARE 🔬 Plant in a 4–6in (10–15cm) pot, in a 50:50 mix of sphagnum moss and perlite; potting soil will kill the plant. Place in a sunny spot and open windows regularly to allow insects in. Remove the flowers, which can weaken the plant. In winter, when dormant, move it away from heaters. Repot every year in late winter or early spring.🤍

Pure water please / Use distilled water whenever possible / because the salts and minerals in tap water can build up in the soil, causing the plant to become unhealthy and die. You can use rainwater or distilled water instead.
This plant eats insects. so choose a sunny place for the plant Insects coming in from places where doors or windows open can be a nice meal for the plant.
Let me rest / a few months of the year likes to rest, do not think that the plant is dead. It will be alive again in the spring. Don’t forget to water when the soil dries while resting.

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