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Nephrolepis cordifolia Care

The lemon button fern, also known as southern sword fern or erect sword fern, is a small compact yellow-green fern that grows to about 12 inches / 30.5 cm high and wide. Its arching stems have round, button-like leaves that emit a lemony scent when handled. This fern requires little care once it’s established and is perfect for growing in a terrarium (see below). The lemon button fern enjoys humid environments and can tolerate temperatures up to 75˚F / 24˚C.

SOIL: Use a well-draining potting soil. Mix peat moss into your soil to help increase the acidic content and retain needed nutrients.
LIGHT: Lemon button ferns require partial shade. Keep them away from direct sun in the afternoon. Decrease the amount of sunlight during winter.
WATER: Water thoroughly to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Do not let the soil dry out between waterings.FERTILIZER: Feed with a balanced houseplant fertilizer, diluted to half strength, every other week during spring and summer. Do not fertilize in fall and winter.

TIP: If creating a terrarium, first add a 1-inch / 2.5-cm layer of pebbles for proper drainage. Next, add a thin layer of activated charcoal (found at your local garden center), and then a dampened layer of sphagnum moss on top of the charcoal. Mix two parts potting mix with one part sand and add at least 2 to 3 inches / 5 to 7.5 cm to the terrarium. Mist the soil. Place the fern on top of the soil and gently tamp roots down with your fingers or a skewer. Mist the soil again. Do not fertilize unless the plant looks malnourished. If so, feed every five to six weeks with a balanced houseplant fertilizer, diluted to one-quarter strength.

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